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it gets better

case study

Course: "Campaigning for Social Change" (PRAD 575) taught by Professor Maria De Moya, Ph.D., is an elective course in the PR & Advertising program at DePaul University. This course examines the strategic use of communication to forward social change at a community and national level. During the quarter we explored how organizations and community employ strategic communication efforts to address their common issues and needs. We also studied the communication efforts of marginalized communities, with an emphasis on the use of digital and social media. Additionally, we explored theories and case studies of communication for social change within these communities, and produce an original campaign to address a current community issue or need.


One of our assignments for this course was to prepare a short case study summary and presentation about the chosen campaign and prepare a class presentation. The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to gain in-depth knowledge of real-world CSC campaigns.


Team members: Sameerah Ahmad & Cristina Recke.

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